What Hardcore has been missing (in my opinion) is the element of speed and simplicity. Remember when Minor Threat wrote one minute songs that were three chords and fast as all hell? I try to remember those days but when I hear hardcore it tends to be mid-tempo two steps, and breakdowns. That is why I’ve always liked Burdens; they are heavy as all hell and, for the most part, play fast music.
I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of the EP and though it is something different than 2011’s You Can’t Save Us All, Blind World. Savage Death is definitely the most well put together album yet. If you’re looking for songs with constant high tempo you’re looking in the wrong place. Each track blends together and it is without any major flaws.
“Silver Tongue” starts off fast and has a few weird guitar tones with some dissonant chords thrown into the mix but overall shows what you’re going to hear on the rest of the EP; slower breakdowns, more weird guitar tones, and more aggression than you can deal with. After two slower songs (“Tapeworm” and “Death Rattle”) we’re brought back into a fast circle pit with the song “Soothsayer” which isn’t a unique take on fast hardcore, but is by far the best song on the album.
I think that the overall lesson to Blind World. Savage Death is that heavy distortion makes songs with a slower tempo sound good. It gives the EP an almost southern vibe despite the fact that there aren’t any scales that would make it sound southern. It sounds nothing like something Pantera would ever release however that it the only way to describe it. Blind World. Savage Death. is nothing but pure energy and a great hardcore record that everyone should listen to. Over all, full of energy and back with a vengeance, Burdens is improving the hardcore scene one song at a time.
The album will be released free online from Burdens on Sunday, January 8 and it definitely worth the space on your computer.
Suggested song: Soothsayer