If you don’t know who Sacred Serenity is by now you probably should. I’ve been doing reviews of their last two E.P.’s and haven’t stopped listening to them since they came out. But for anyone who hasn’t been paying attention let’s take a second to review what they’ve been up to since their inception.
The Enemy in the clouds E.P. was pretty good but the production quality was a little less than fantastic. However for the entire album being self recorded, it’s good for what it is and the song writing on it is fantastic.
Divulgence was five out of six songs of in your face, fuck you metal and out of the three E.P.’s recorded definitely the most melodic. Although the band had a full line-up at this point in time and went to an actual studio, the production sounded like they were meant for a pop-punk band which is by no means the band’s fault; but the weird production took away from songs.
Now finally we have arrived at what I and many others will call the bands best effort yet. After spending a week living in Atrium Studios (August Burns Red, Texas In July, and This or The Apocalypse) the band has come out with a well written piece of metal that crosses between a mix of metalcore, melodic death metal and deathcore.
The album shows the bet work from the band yet with Pat Scanlon’s vocals being the clearest that they’ve ever been. He hits all ranges on the album and makes the music fit what his voice is doing rather than just screaming at whatever range he feels like.
My only issue with the album is that there are no memorable bass parts from Dave Jamison like Divulgence was built around. No one ever shows off too much on the album, all instruments blend well together but no one steps up to the plate to add the wow factor that a lot of people look forward to in a metal album.
Of the four songs I have to say that “A legend Remembered” is definitely the best of all of them. It is the fastest and throws a little bit of everything that anyone could want from a metal song. Breakdowns, blast beats, whispering, yelling and what most people associate with metal, shredding.
It is definitely the bands best effort but it is a little short. I’d like to see what they could do with a full length. So let’s get them to record one of those. However I realize that’s an expensive endeavor, so for now you’ll have to listen to Crossroads until you get sick of it, but you won’t get sick of it.
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